Chiffon Flowers design. Watercolor drawing on gel polish
Apply a white foundation White Base (White foundation for gel polishes) SKU294-00. Polymerize for 2 minutes in UV-lamp or for 30 seconds in LED-lamp.
Draw three petals with a petal brush. Do not dry!

Using a petal brush and a Crystal Top Coat (CRYSTAL TOP, SKU 290-01) start diluting our petals aiming to achieve a translucent effect and save contours. Polymerize for 2 minutes in UV-lamp or for 30 seconds in LED-lamp.

Next petals should be a bit smaller than previous ones. Follow these steps:
  • Draw figures by a watercolor (do not dry)
  • Dilute with a Crystal Top
  • Polymerize in a lamp

In the scheme you see the order of drawing figures. You can draw any number of petals.

Cover a finished design with a Crystal Top Coat (SKU 290-01). Set crystals in the middle of a flower. Polymerize for 2 minutes in UV-lamp or for 30 seconds in LED-lamp.


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